Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 1: Couch to 5K

So one of my goals for 2014 is become more physically fit.  I don't want to lose weight but I've found since being out of college for a few years, I've become some what of a lazy bum.  I can't lift more than 5lb weights, run a mile without huffing and puffing, and dare I even mention, I can't swim for the life of me anymore (I was a swimmer in HS, the 200, 400 and 500 freestyle). It's so sad!

Starting today, I am going to focus on the "Couch to 5K" program, but a modified version. By the end of spring, I'd like to compete in a 5K and by the end of summer, a 10K! Anyway, I'm not paying to download the app on my phone when I could research what the "program" entails and come up with something all in the same.  I will also be focusing on strength training with 3lb and 5lb weights as right now, that is the max amount I can lift in free weights.  The machines at the gyms (row, bicep curls, yadda yadda) I can go as high as 15lbs.

This is the first month.  It will be in installments of 4 phases (months). Months 1&2 will be mostly walking and then Month's 3&4 will switch over to be mostly running.  A lot of the Couch to 5K work outs involve crazy maneuvering of the treadmill which I hate doing because it would involve changing the speeds in very short intervals.

This should be a fairly easy month as I'm comfortable walking on the treadmill.  When I start running (and going anything higher than 5 speed), images of this come into my head:

Well, I won't be dancing onto the treadmill, nor will I be wearing hightop sneakers, but still! It's always so nerve wracking!

So now that the work whistle has blown for the day, I'm off to the gym!

3x a Charm

“Sometimes, you get things right the first time. Others, the second. But the third time, they say, is the charm.” Hopefully this will be the case for me with blogging.  This time, my third time, I choose to write with passion and most importantly, not lose a sense of identity.  There are so many blogs out in the dot com world that tend to revolve around the same thing: fashion, home/diy, fitness, cooking, "lifestyle blogging".  What is lifestyle blogging anyway?  I just googled this and was referred to this post, by Helene from Helene in Between (a blogger I follow on my more public blog). "A Lifestyle blog is where I write whatever I damn well please." - See more: here.  I absolutely love this. While I do plan to write whatever I damn well please, I will make sure to make it my own, and make myself happy and not worry about others.

It's all right there in that quote, isn't it? 

So while this blog may touch upon fashion (ha yeah right!), recipes (I'll be lucky if I remember to take a picture), fitness, and "life" in general, it will be my own no holds barred.  I hope to convey my thoughts in a genuine way and whether or not others care for it . . . well, like I said before, writing for myself will be my number one priority.  

And so it goes.