Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 1: Couch to 5K

So one of my goals for 2014 is become more physically fit.  I don't want to lose weight but I've found since being out of college for a few years, I've become some what of a lazy bum.  I can't lift more than 5lb weights, run a mile without huffing and puffing, and dare I even mention, I can't swim for the life of me anymore (I was a swimmer in HS, the 200, 400 and 500 freestyle). It's so sad!

Starting today, I am going to focus on the "Couch to 5K" program, but a modified version. By the end of spring, I'd like to compete in a 5K and by the end of summer, a 10K! Anyway, I'm not paying to download the app on my phone when I could research what the "program" entails and come up with something all in the same.  I will also be focusing on strength training with 3lb and 5lb weights as right now, that is the max amount I can lift in free weights.  The machines at the gyms (row, bicep curls, yadda yadda) I can go as high as 15lbs.

This is the first month.  It will be in installments of 4 phases (months). Months 1&2 will be mostly walking and then Month's 3&4 will switch over to be mostly running.  A lot of the Couch to 5K work outs involve crazy maneuvering of the treadmill which I hate doing because it would involve changing the speeds in very short intervals.

This should be a fairly easy month as I'm comfortable walking on the treadmill.  When I start running (and going anything higher than 5 speed), images of this come into my head:

Well, I won't be dancing onto the treadmill, nor will I be wearing hightop sneakers, but still! It's always so nerve wracking!

So now that the work whistle has blown for the day, I'm off to the gym!

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